Julien is founder and CEO of Conscious Labs (https://conscious-labs.com), a neurotech company based in France, specializing in the development of a new generation of devices for measuring brain activity. After earning his engineering degree in medical signal processing and his PhD in neuroscience in the field of translational medicine, Julien worked as a researcher at Harvard Medical School where he focused on brain connectivity and child brain development before joining the Paris Imaging Research team at Philips Healthcare. He then obtained a position as a full-time researcher on novel brain imaging technologies for neurodegenerative diseases at the French National Center for Scientific Research. His interest in entrepreneurship led him to head the research team in a parisian medtech before attending the international Startup Leadership Program and founding Conscious Labs with the inspiring vision of taking neurotechnologies out of the lab… Julien is co-inventor of several patents and has authored multiple peer-reviewed journal and conference articles.