Alicia is the Director of Research for Emotiv. With a background in neuroscience and a passion for bringing scientific research, people and technology together, Alicia runs the research efforts of the company for both internal and external research projects. Working alongside EMOTIV CTO and co-founder Geoff Mackellar in Sydney, Australia, Alicia has scanned the brains of countless participants with EMOTIVs award winning mobile EEG headsets. She is currently working on the ongoing development of EMOTIVs Performance Metrics; designing and implementing experiments that enable us to understand the brain on attention, stress, positive/negative valence, meditation and engagement – to name a few. She works alongside EMOTIV’s data scientists and machine learning team to drive the creation of algorithms that allow anyone with an EMOTIV headset to understand their mental state in real time without the need to read complex EEG patterns.
Alicia also leads some of EMOTIV’s external research projects; working with DELL Technologies to discover the extent your brain gets stressed and productivity suffers with pesky tech failures, investigating the beneficial effects of exercise on cognitive performance with ASICS and tracking enhanced audience engagement and attention during presentations using the Mentimeter platform.
In her time outside of work, ironically, Alicia likes to disconnect from technology and get outside – spending time surfing, playing sports or camping.